Connecticut JCI Senate

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Welcome to the virtual home of the Connecticut JCI Senate, an organization of Junior Chamber
International (JCI) Senators. The JCI Senatorship is an honor recognized throughout the world as an indication that an individual has, while active in the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), made a significant and substantial contribution toward the furtherance of the organization's philosophy and beliefs.

The CT JCI Senate was formed to provide an opportunity for continued fellowship amongst its honorees. Our members come from a variety of personal and professional backgrounds but all share the common bond of commitment to the Connecticut Jaycees and their local community chapter.

This site is primarily designed as a communications tool for current members, providing information on meetings, social and travel events plus opportunities to assist the Jaycees. Additionally, you will find a bit of history on the organization, links to related organizations as well as information on becoming a member.

If you are a JCI Senator but haven't yet joined the CT JCI Senate please to meet up with some old friends or make some new ones. For current or former Jaycees interested in learning the specific criteria for a Senatorship, please follow this link. Are you in the age bracket of 21-40 but haven't yet joined the Jaycees? Please follow this link to the Connecticut Jaycees website to find your local chapter. We hope to meet you all soon.

** NEW! CT JCI Senate Shirt Order Form: Word Doc or PDF ** 

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Site design by Tom Jablonowski